Healing Power of Honey and Water Combination
Honey has various benefits (prevents cancer and heart disease, reduces ulcers, has antibacterial properties etc.), but have you ever heard of the benefits that comefrom drinking honey-water?
Preparing Honey-Water
Heat some water until it becomes slightly lukewarm and put a teaspoon of honey in it. Use wooden teaspoon. What you’ll get is a liquid whose composition is almost identical to blood plasma. A cluster compound is created in the water with the help of the honey and you get a powerful drink with numerous health benefits. Most important, this mixture is easily absorbed in our system.
Heat some water until it becomes slightly lukewarm and put a teaspoon of honey in it. Use wooden teaspoon. What you’ll get is a liquid whose composition is almost identical to blood plasma. A cluster compound is created in the water with the help of the honey and you get a powerful drink with numerous health benefits. Most important, this mixture is easily absorbed in our system.
The Healing Powers of Honey-Water
Your digestion normalizes and your intestines are activated. This is especially beneficial if you have lazy intestines.
Also, your immune system strengthens, any clods are eliminated and bronchitis is treated. Plus, your lungs are cleansed from any mucus.
Honey-water kills all parasites found in your digestive tract too, prevents any possible bleeding in it and disposes the system of toxins.
When you start drinking honey-water regularly you will notice that your waist line has increased. However, that is nothing to be worried about. It’s a result of the feces becoming softer and swell which is an indication that they are about to exit the body.
After that your cells start to cleanse and all antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties increase.
Your digestion normalizes and your intestines are activated. This is especially beneficial if you have lazy intestines.
Also, your immune system strengthens, any clods are eliminated and bronchitis is treated. Plus, your lungs are cleansed from any mucus.
Honey-water kills all parasites found in your digestive tract too, prevents any possible bleeding in it and disposes the system of toxins.
When you start drinking honey-water regularly you will notice that your waist line has increased. However, that is nothing to be worried about. It’s a result of the feces becoming softer and swell which is an indication that they are about to exit the body.
After that your cells start to cleanse and all antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties increase.
Honey-water normalizes the entire work of the colon. It helps rejuvenate the micro flora in it and eliminates any bacteria. This mixture can even help you if you have uncontrolled and unpleasant urges to urinate during the night. It is because the honey collects the water so that your kidneys can work normally.
Consuming Honey-Water
The best time of the day to drink honey-water is on an empty stomach in the morning and in the evenings in order to help the kidneys work better. You have to drink it fast, but not in one gulp. This is because the valve of the stomach opens and the water enters the intestines quickly.After that the water goes to the blood stream.
The best time of the day to drink honey-water is on an empty stomach in the morning and in the evenings in order to help the kidneys work better. You have to drink it fast, but not in one gulp. This is because the valve of the stomach opens and the water enters the intestines quickly.After that the water goes to the blood stream.
This mixture will help you get cleaner face too. Your skin becomes softer, silky and shiny.Honey is actually one of the oldest cosmetic ingredients in the world.
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