Ето точните продукти за тази уникална рецепта за здраве, както и самият прием.
Вземете един килограм пчелен мед, 200 грама пчелен прашец и един килограм лимони. Изстискайте лимоните и със сока им полейте пчелния прашец, за да може да го разтвори. След това прашецът и сокът от лимоните се разбъркват много хубаво в меда.
Готовата вече смес се оставя да престои на тъмно и прохладно място за 24 часа, а когато преминат, към нея се прибавя и 250 грама сусамов тахан. Отново сместта се разбърква добре, за да се получи изцяло хомогенна смес.
Бай Георги Тодоров уточнява, че ако човек желае, спокойно може да прибави към тази смес и две пакетчета канела. Той я приема без нея, но канелата също има своите невероятни ползи за здравето – зависи дали на човек му понася.
Самата процедура по приема на уникалното лекарство за здраве на пчеларя бай Георги Тодоров е следната – в чаша хладка вода всяка сутрин и всяка вечер се разбърква добре една лъжица от вълшебната пчелна смес (супена), плюс една лъжица чист ябълков оцет.
Всичко това се изпива около един час преди хранене. Добре е тази лечебна смес да я приемаме поне месец-два, особено през зимния сезон, за да се спасим категорично от вирусите и грипа, които вече ни атакуват.
n both men and women, the average amount of sleep has been steadily decreasing and in recent years has dropped from 7-8 hours, to 6-7 hours a night. This may not seem like a big difference, but it does make a huge difference to your body!
During the day, your body is working hard to keep up with your day and it requires the appropriate amount of time to rest, recover, and recharge to do it all over again.
Most people think that not getting a good night’s sleep simply means you’ll be a little tired the next day, maybe a little foggy. It’s nothing that a cup of coffee can’t fix, right? Coffee does help, but loading yourself up with caffeine is a band-aid solution and not a permanent fix.
Lack Of Sleep And Health
Lack of sleep is a factor in some of the most serious health problems and can be a trigger for illness and disease. Studies have found that people who have a shortened sleep, which is defined by less than 6 hours, are at an increased risk of heart disease.
In 2011, the European Heart Journal’s review of 15 medical studies involving almost 475,000 people found that people with shortened sleep cycles had a 48% increased risk of developing or dying from coronary heart disease. They also found that these people were also at a 15% greater risk of developing or dying from stroke.
The study also links long sleepers, or people who average nine or more hours a night, to a 38% increased risk in developing or dying from coronary heart disease, and a 65% increased risk of stroke. With sleep, as with most things, balance is the most important thing.
Another similar study found that a lack of sleep predicted higher blood pressure. For most people, the body uses the time you are asleep to lower blood pressure, and with a shorter amount of sleep there may not be enough time for this dip to take place.
Daily Distractions And Technology
The world we live in today doesn’t make it any easier for us to get a good night’s sleep. People are reporting higher levels of stress caused by things like work, current events, family situations, and other factors that didn’t affect past generations. We are also using more and more technology that affects our sleep cycles without us even realizing it.
There are many sleep aids that can be purchased but they are artificial and may even cause dependency with some people. As always, Mother Nature has provided us with a natural solution to this ever increasing problem. The
Ultimate Sleep Recipe
This simple, two-ingredient recipe is your key to getting a great night’s sleep. It will help your body relax and regroup from the day, and prepare itself for the next morning.
All you need is:
5 teaspoons of organic raw honey
1 teaspoon of pink Himalayan sea salt Mix these two ingredients together and store it in a glass jar.
You can make as much or as little as you want, but a 5:1 ratio works the best. Just put a little bit of this mixture under your tongue every night before you go to sleep and let it dissolve naturally.
Salt & Honey Himalayan sea salt contains more than 80 minerals and elements that your body needs for different processes, aiding your body in recovering from the day. Honey contains glucose with aids in supplying our body’s cells with energy.
This honey and salt combination works to increase serotonin as well, helping us to distress naturally, and allowing us to get the best sleep possible. So try out this natural sleep aid, and rest easy knowing your body will be ready to face the day.
Disclaimer: All information, data and material contained, presented, or provided on WorldTruth.Tv is for educational purposes only. It is not to be construed or intended as providing medical or legal advice. Decisions you make about your family's healthcare are important and should be made in consultation with a competent medical professional. We are not physicians and do not claim to be. Any views expressed here-in are not necessarily those held by WorldTruth.Tv
Honey has various benefits (prevents cancer and heart disease, reduces ulcers, has antibacterial properties etc.), but have you ever heard of the benefits that comefrom drinking honey-water?
Preparing Honey-Water Heat some water until it becomes slightly lukewarm and put a teaspoon of honey in it. Use wooden teaspoon. What you’ll get is a liquid whose composition is almost identical to blood plasma. A cluster compound is created in the water with the help of the honey and you get a powerful drink with numerous health benefits. Most important, this mixture is easily absorbed in our system.
The Healing Powers of Honey-Water Your digestion normalizes and your intestines are activated. This is especially beneficial if you have lazy intestines. Also, your immune system strengthens, any clods are eliminated and bronchitis is treated. Plus, your lungs are cleansed from any mucus. Honey-water kills all parasites found in your digestive tract too, prevents any possible bleeding in it and disposes the system of toxins. When you start drinking honey-water regularly you will notice that your waist line has increased. However, that is nothing to be worried about. It’s a result of the feces becoming softer and swell which is an indication that they are about to exit the body. After that your cells start to cleanse and all antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties increase.
Honey-water normalizes the entire work of the colon. It helps rejuvenate the micro flora in it and eliminates any bacteria. This mixture can even help you if you have uncontrolled and unpleasant urges to urinate during the night. It is because the honey collects the water so that your kidneys can work normally.
Consuming Honey-Water The best time of the day to drink honey-water is on an empty stomach in the morning and in the evenings in order to help the kidneys work better. You have to drink it fast, but not in one gulp. This is because the valve of the stomach opens and the water enters the intestines quickly.After that the water goes to the blood stream.
This mixture will help you get cleaner face too. Your skin becomes softer, silky and shiny.Honey is actually one of the oldest cosmetic ingredients in the world.
As humanity becomes more conscious to the language of nature, it is clear that mushrooms in their many forms come in peace and are here to help. The uses, benefits, and applications of mushrooms currently seem to be limitless cutting across all industries, cultures and modalities. Embraced by the medical community, gardeners, architects, spiritualist, religions and others, their boundaries are yet to be found.
The intricate matrix of mushroom mycelium under our feet represents rebirth, rejuvenation and regeneration. It waits patiently to reveal secrets for those with the courage to sidestep mainstream assumptions in search of something better. “Fungi are the grand molecular disassemblers in nature, decomposing plants and animals, creating forests…they’re soil magicians,” according to Paul Stamets, world renowned mycologist.
Confirmed! Mushrooms Saving The Bees
Presenting at the recent Bioneers Annual Conference, Paul Stamets gave bombshell evidence that there is hope for bees, colony collapse, and our entire ecosystem. Washington State University recently completed a longevity stress test on bee populations that appears to confirm that the genes for the detoxification pathways in bees are turned on by beneficial fungi they collect from their environment. What’s more, it has been confirmed in previous testing that the red belted polypore mushroom degrades pesticides, herbicides and fungicides. It has also been confirmed in previous tests that fungicidal contamination reduces beneficial fungi in honey bee colonies. So what does this all mean? The widespread pesticide, herbicide and fungicide have created an absence of beneficial fungi in bee colonies. This turns off the proper detoxification pathways within the bees and their colonies leading to a hyper-accumulation of toxins. Colony collapses typically follows shortly thereafter.
What appears to hold a key to slowing down or even stopping the current epidemic of bee colony collapse is a solution called “Mycohoney,” made from the polypore mushroom mycelium. When fed to bees in the University of Washington trials, it showed extraordinary significance in life extension of the honey bees. Walter S. Sheppard, PhD P.F. Thurber Professor, Chair, Department of Entomology Washington State University gave this comment:
“As an entomologist with 39 years’ experience studying bees, I am unaware of any reports of materials that extend the life of worker bees more than this.”
Mushrooms Elevate Humanity As Well
Beyond bee-support, mushrooms have a laundry list of other uses and benefits that read like a dream come true for humanity. According to the research performed by Donald Smee, PhD of the Institute of Antiviral Research at Utah State University testing for the U.S. government’s Bioshield and Biodefense programs, mycelial extracts from chaga, Red Reshi, agarikon and others showed highly effective antiviral effects against many flu strains. This study was done using weak mushrooms extract dilutions of 100:1.
What’s even more promising is that these mushrooms show no toxicity to human cells and high selectivity against the viruses. This is in stark contrast to our questionable vaccine protocols that contain known toxic adjuvants causing permanent damage on record. Perhaps we are looking at the future of preventative medicine and immune defense minus the needles and injections.
The heavily studied and well documented mushroom cordyceps sinensis is proving to be a wonder of nature. It is one of eight modalities used by Dr. Richard Alan Miller implemented to elevate the first Navy Seal team into superhumans. It’s well-known to increase physical stamina, is effective against all sorts of bacteria that have developed resistance to other antibiotics, and it assists in DNA repair. Taking things a step further, it is suspected that the same chemicals that are discriminating the bees and their colonies are also causing DNA damage in humans. While we fight to put an end to this genetic contamination in the form of pesticides, herbicides and fungicides, could mushrooms be here to assist us physically, mentally and spiritually in the battle?
Jefferey Jaxen is an independant journalist, writer, and researcher. Focusing on personal empowerment and alternative health, his work reveals a sharp eye to capture the moment in these rapidly changing times. You can find his latest research, information, and personal writings at the following websites: www.jeffereyjaxen.com Contact him directly at http://www.jeffereyjaxen.com/contact.html
CE provides a space for free thinkers to explore and discuss new, alternative information and ideas. The goal? Question everything, think differently, spread love and live a joy filled life.
I believe the bee population (and all pollinating insect population) is so important for our survival that the information brought forth in this article should be distributed front and center! Your latest e-mail hides it in the middle of a number of your latest articles. Please make this a point. We could all help the bees to thrive!
I can attest to the benefits of medicinal mushrooms. It’s one of my main medicines in my self-administered treatment for cancer. I take a few different types in rotation; some of them I take in powdered form (I encapsulate the powder myself for cost reasons) and some are taken in tincture form. All are organically-grown. To find the powders, do a search for “organic medicinal mushroom powder”. They sell various quantities of a ton of different mushrooms.
I also recently started giving them to my sick elderly cat and she has responded extremely well to them. Her appetite is much stronger now and she just seems to be doing better all around. She gets a product marketed for small animals called “Immunity”; it’s an organic blend of mushrooms I found at Amazon.
I have auto-immune disease(s) so I don’t take cordyceps because they stimulate the immune system so much. One of my favorites is Ganoderma because it seems to be the best for modulating the immune system (up or down, depending on your needs). Host Defense has a Gano 5 tincture that combines several Ganoderma species in one blend. I also take HD’s “MycoSoft” tincture. It has several cancer-fighting mushrooms in it but it doesn’t contain cordyceps like many of the other tincture blends they sell.
I also take Lion’s Mane because I had many years of neurological problems and it works very well for those issues. It helped with the brain fog and memory problems I was experiencing. If I were an Alzheimer’s patient, I would definitely take Lion’s Mane, along with the highest quality coconut oil (organic, of course). I really like Tropical Traditions Gold Label because it contains the highest amounts of nutrients and is processed the old-fashioned way (fermentation–no chemicals and no harsh processing).
I use mushrooms spores in my garden, as well, to facilitate healthy plant (root) growth and healthy soil. In that form, it’s called mycorrhizal fungi.